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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso / Cordant / US English / HIAR / HIAR-PPC / More Images / TIFFSpec.064 (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1994-08-03  |  33KB  |  1728x2500
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OCR: TIFF 5.0 Appendices Appendix G: TIFF Classes Rationale TIFF was desiged (o make life easier for scanmer vendors desktop publishing software developers. and users of these two classes of products. reducing the proliferation of poprietary scarned image formats It bas papaaons far beyond our expectations in this respect Bul we had expected that TIFF i would be of interest t only a dozen OT SO scanner vendors {there weren't an y than I that in 1985) and anothe dozen or so desktop publishing software vendors This pawrt 0tno gross underestin atc. TTLl Dnly problem with this jO LXXS success that HHLL was designed I to be powerful pure flexible. at the experse of simplicity t takes fat amount of effon t0 handle all the options currenty defined in this spcification no application s complete job) pu ...